When working through the iteration, use the board every day, keeping it up to date and radiating the true picture of the project. You can also use a tool such as Jira to keep track of the project. To me, the tools are mainly for the big picture. The current iteration belongs on the wall.

Have both a scrum master (team lead) and an architect (tech lead) in the project, and meet every morning for the daily standup.

If you run distributed teams, meet on Skype and use an issue tracking tool.

Running distributed teams is much more difficult than running co-located teams. You will need face-to-face meetings and some co-location as well, but the subject is beyond this article.

Make burn down charts if needed. Every day, add a point to the chart with the current rest estimate. Re-estimate issues daily, and sum up the estimates of all issues, which are not in the Done column.

Burn down charts are useful for visualizing the velocity of the team, but short iterations make them less important. If the velocity is not sufficient, adjust the expectations or the team capacity in the following iterations.